Identity fraud has major consequences.
Someone who pretends to be someone else: It may be an innocent action but it may also be deliberate identity fraud. Benefit fraud, scams and embezzlement are often a consequence of identity fraud. Borrowing, lending or falsifying documents can have major consequences for the individuals concerned but also for the government and the business sector. Identity fraud also undermines the reliability of identity documents. It takes an enormous amount of training and expertise to recognise every identity document in circulation and to be able to check its authenticity.
Knowing who is in front of you gives reassurance
Organisations need to know the identity of both customers and employees . In some cases, it is even compulsory to know the identity of visitors, to ensure that it is possible to identify who is in the building or on the premises at any time of day. Determining who is in front of you starts with the verification of an identity document. This is not always possible with the naked eye: certain authenticity features cannot be visibly seen or checked with the usual actions of visually inspecting, feeling and tilting a document. Think of the current generation of identity documents, which are also called electronic documents. These documents contain a chip that can be read and checked with special equipment.
Interesting links
What is identity fraud?