ID-Citizen connected to 228 municipalities
Today, there is a sharp increase in the area of identity and lookalike fraud. For each case of identity fraud, the amount of loss to municipal services can be as high as €40,000. Therefore, this is a big challenge for many municipalities. At the moment 228 municipalities, of which 142 also apply face comparison and passport photo comparison, use ID-Citizen to prevent identity fraud. The Register of Non-Residents (RNI) programme also makes use of the advanced technology of ORIBI ID-Solutions.
With ID-Citizen it is possible to optimise the identification process. This application ensures that every employee at the counter can carry out a quick document check supplemented by face comparison and passport photo comparison. This speeds up the process and every employee follows a uniform process. In order to get the most out of ID-Citizen, ORIBI ID-Solutions advises municipalities to conduct a training course for all employees after installation of the solution. This will enable them to use the software as optimally as possible at the counter and to increase awareness of identity fraud.
ORIBI ID-Solutions always provides a suitable solution: It starts with a good ID! That gives certainty which in turn gives confidence.