All in one solution
The city of Menen uses the ID-Citizen software of ORIBI ID-Solutions. Mr Den Hert (Head of Administration at the City of Menen) saw ORIBI ID-Solutions' software program with its functionalities and possibilities and was immediately enthusiastic! Compared to the other providers, ORIBI ID-Solutions had everything in one solution, according to the City of Menen. Because there has been a strong increase in identity fraud cases recently, municipalities are paying extra attention to this issue. More and more forms of identity fraud and lookalike fraud are being encountered at public affairs desks. This occurred in the municipality with a person who had a false driving licence and wanted to use it to identify himself. It aroused suspicion and a further investigation was carried out from Brussels whereupon it indeed proved to be a false document. "We are very happy that we were able to intercept this," Mr Den Hert said.
The City of Menen is currently using the solution by ORIBI ID-Solutions in combination with the CEVI link. In situations where it cannot be used as a common link, the solution by ORIBI ID-Solutions can also be used as a stand-alone solution. The City of Menen considers it fantastic that it can use this solution against identity fraud and certainly recommends it to other cities/municipalities. "It has already proved its worth to us." We at ORIBI ID-Solutions also recommend that the municipalities carry out training for all employees after the installation of the solution. This will enable them to use the software as optimally as possible at the counter for all (future) citizens.